Skin and face tanning are common problems that almost everyone faces. You can enjoy the summer sun, but you may not like how it turns your skin two shades darker. This shouldn’t be a cause for concern, as you can remove the tan on your skin and face. This blog shares some practical tips on how to remove tan at home.
What is Tanning?
By exposing the skin to sunlight, tanning is a process that increases melanin. This is the body’s natural way of protecting skin from UV damage.
Just beneath the surface of your skin, you body produces melanin when exposed to direct sunlight. This helps to absorb UV rays. The greater the UV exposure, the more pigmentation will occur and the darker your tan.
What Causes Skin Tan?
Sun Exposure Is The Primary Factor
Sun exposure is the main cause of a tan. Sun exposure triggers the production of melanin, which results in a tan. It’s important to remember that too much sun exposure can cause sunburn, premature ageing, and skin cancer. It’s important to find a balance between protecting your skin and enjoying the sun.
Skin Types & Tanning
Different skin types respond differently to sun exposure. People with fair skin tend to get sunburned and develop a reddish-brown tan. Those with darker skin have a more bronze-like tan. Knowing your skin type will help you to take the appropriate precautions against overexposure.
What Are The Different Types Of Tan?
Immediate Pigment Darkening (IPD)
IPD is a darkening that occurs on the skin immediately following sun exposure. This is a temporary change that usually fades within a few days. IPD occurs when blood vessels dilate, which results in a temporary darkening of the skin.
Delayed Tan
A delayed tan is a tan which appears two or three days after exposure to the sun. The melanin takes some time to increase, which results in a gradual change in the skin’s color. This type of tan often gives off a healthy, sun-kissed look.
Persistent Pigment Darkening (PPD)
The PPD is an accelerated tan. It becomes more prominent with repeated sun exposure. This semi-permanent tan can last weeks or months. PPD is the protective response to UV damage. Melanin builds up on your skin.
How To Remove Tan From The Face And Skin At Home
1. Use Potato Juice
Potato juice is a natural or organic bleaching agent. It brightens the skin by adjusting the tone. It is recommended by most skincare experts for the removal of dark circles. You can also use it overnight to remove sun-tan.
Use a cloth to squeeze the juice from a potato. Apply the juice to your face or tanned body and let it sit for 10-12 minutes.
2. Papaya Honey Mask
Papaya is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and has bleaching properties. Honey is a skin-nourishing, soothing substance. Applying it to your skin will relieve it of irritation and dryness. The combination of papaya with honey is a great way to remove tan on your skin and face.
Cut the papaya in half, then take one half and mash. Mix in one or two teaspoons honey with the paste. Mix the paste and apply it to the tanned area. Let the paste dry completely before washing the area off with lukewarm tepid water.
3. Turmeric and Gram Flour Face Mask
Instead of purchasing face wash, many women use turmeric or gram flour. This may not have a deep cleansing effect but it does gently exfoliate your skin. Gram flour can also lighten a suntan. Turmeric accelerates skin healing and brightens.
Add one teaspoon of turmeric per cup of gram-flour. Pour milk or water to make a paste. Then, apply the paste to the area that is tanned and let it dry. Remove the paste with lukewarm lukewarm.
4. Rice Flour with Milk
Lactic acid in milk gently peels away the dead cells on the skin’s surface to reveal the brighter, healthier skin beneath. Rice flour can be used to correct uneven skin tone. How to remove tan at home using rice flour and milk.
Add two tablespoons rice flour to a bowl. Pour enough milk to make a thick paste, add it. Allow the paste to dry and then apply it over the areas that are tanned. After half an hour, wash off the paste with lukewarm lukewarm.
5. Green Tea
Green tea can protect the skin against ultraviolet rays. Tannin is a sign of sun-induced skin damage. Green tea can be applied directly to the skin that is tanned. You can also make a green tea facemask and apply it to the affected areas.
6. Grape Seeds
Press the grape seeds and extract the juice. Apply it directly to areas of skin or face that are tanned. You can also mix the juice and body moisturizer together before applying to your skin. Grape seed juice reduces hyperpigmentation through increased melanin production. It can also have skin-lightening properties.
7. Rose Water and Sandalwood Mask
Rosewater is a skin-nourishing, soothing agent. Sandalwood is cooling and relaxing. Sandalwood can be applied to the skin in order to heal acne and breakouts. It also helps to remove dead skin, revealing a brighter, younger skin underneath. The combination of rosewater and sandalwood helps to heal the skin and face faster.
8. Mask with Milk and Saffron
Lactic acid, found in milk, exfoliates your face and skin to remove dead cells. Saffron contains antioxidants and vitamins which treat skin conditions while brightening your complexion. Combining milk with saffron will remove sun tan from your skin or face.
Add saffron to milk in a quantity of half a cup. This will help remove the tan on your skin and face. Let the mixture soak for 30 minutes to absorb the goodness of saffron. Apply milk to the sun-tanned face or skin, and leave it on for 1 or 2 hours. To remove the tan, wash it with cold water.
9. Aloe Vera Gel And Fullers Earth
Aloe vera gel is calming and healing for the skin. When applied to rashes and sunburns, it heals the skin. Fuller’s Earth or Multani mitti is anti-inflammatory. It eliminates dirt and bacteria that can cause skin infections. Combining aloe vera with Fuller’s Earth creates a skin lightening and healing product.
Add two to three tablespoons aloe gel to two to three tablespoons Fuller’s Earth to remove the tan. Blend the mixture in a blender to make a thick paste. Use a brush to apply the paste onto the tanned face or skin. Let it stay on for 15-20 minutes, then wash off with lukewarm h2o.
The Conclusion Of The Article Is:
Your skin responds to prolonged UV exposure by tanning. To protect itself against UVB radiation, it produces melanin. The scorching sun will still tan the skin and face, even if you are wearing sunscreen. You can remove the tan on your skin and face at home using these remedies. Limit your sun exposure in order to prevent suntan.
1. Does Tanning Harm The Skin Always?
The tanning process itself protects the skin from UV damage. Unprotected exposure to the sun can cause sunburn, skin cancer, and other skin problems.
2. Can I Get A Tan Even Without Exposure To The Sun?
There are options for sunless tanning, including self-tanning sprays and lotions that provide a tanned appearance without UV exposure.
3. How Can I Protect Myself From Tanning?
Protecting your skin from the sun is as simple as wearing sunscreen with high SPF. Seeking shade during peak hours of sun and staying hydrated will help.
4. Are Tanning Beds An Alternative To Natural Tanning That Is Safe?
Tanning beds emit ultraviolet radiation that can damage skin and increase skin cancer risk. Avoid them at all costs and choose safer alternatives.
5. Can A Tan Fade Unevenly?
A tan may fade unevenly if you have factors such as skin exfoliation or sweating. Sun protection and proper skincare can help you maintain an even tan.
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