Runway fashion exchange

Fashion shows are a great way to showcase a wide range of products. Journalists and bloggers can review clothing at shows, and retailers have the opportunity to discover new products. The shows also give consumers an idea of their interests and the best way to spend their money. A successful fashion runway requires some planning and money.

Choose a Superstar Location

When choosing a location, you must consider the size of your event and how many parking spaces you will need. A venue with a good sound system and spotlights is essential. You also need enough space to set up a runway and area behind the scenes for models. These requirements are usually met by schools, auditoriums, and performing arts centers. If you cannot arrange parking near your venue, consider a valet for participants and attendees.

Find Personable Models

Select your models as early as possible to allow them to arrange to attend your event. This will also give you time to change your outfits. You can choose unusual models if they have a personality and can hold the crowd’s attention. Ask for volunteers if you are a small retailer. You can ask local dance clubs, youth groups, or schools. Hire an extra model to cover any unexpected situations, such as a model being sick or not showing up.

Use a knockout theme

Choose a theme and ensure that your clothes and decorations reflect this theme. You can choose something broad like “fall fashion,” or narrower, like “denim,” or exotic such as a safari theme. It would be best if you had something people would remember to make your event cohesive and memorable.

Create an Atmosphere

The temperature, lighting, and music will set the mood for your event. Tents are a great way to keep your guests comfortable if the event is outdoors. Focus the lighting during the show on the models. They are the only ones that people should pay attention to. Music that is in tune with your theme will work well. Jazz can work well for an avant-garde piece. Depending on the dress design, pop may be better suited to a Little Black Dress. Give your guests gift bags filled with samples to make them feel special. You want to create an experience that your guests will never forget.

Be a Pro Scheduler

Plan your event to include your most important guests, investors, buyers, and media representatives. Contact them before planning and promoting the fashion show to ensure they will be able to attend. Plan out the tasks that you need to accomplish, such as choosing music and a location. Start promoting the event as early as possible. Send press releases to local papers, fashion editors, bloggers, and boutique owners. Follow up with your guests as the event nears.

Create an event that will attract attention to your department store. This can help you familiarize people with the products you sell. According to the University of Florida, department stores are moving away from discount sales. Use an event to build your brand and provide value to current customers and potential buyers. Use the possibility to build relationships with attendees so that they will come back and buy more.

Spring is here

Spring events are a great way to attract budget shoppers who want a good deal. The latest fashions and products are also a big draw for buyers at springtime events. Decorate your store windows and displays in spring colors with images of blue skies, flowers, and greenery. Advertise shoes, clothing, and accessories for Mother’s Day or Easter to get buyers to notice.

Garden Party

Promote hot dogs and hamburgers for free by holding an event in your parking lot. Display the barbecue grills and other outdoor cooking equipment you sell. If you sell gardening supplies, add color by adding flowers and plants. Invite gardening experts to give demonstrations and answer questions. Display lawn chairs, umbrellas, and tables to show off the furniture you sell. Offer games and entertainment to keep children entertained and complimentary babysitting so parents can shop without hassle.

Fighting for your customers’ dollars is a constant battle, regardless of whether you specialize in a particular clothing style or offer a bit of everything for everyone. Promote special clothing events in your store and highlight why it is the best place to shop. Marketing takes time and money, but it pays off when clients choose your store for their wardrobes.

Real Life Runway

Organize a fashion show to showcase your store’s clothes. The catwalk in TV shows like “America’s Next Top Model,” “Project Runway,” and others looks complicated and expensive. But all you need to do is create a path down your store’s aisles. Employees can even be asked to model their clothes and contribute songs. You can create a theme, such as a winter clothing when the fall season arrives, or provide ideas for upcoming events in your city. Advertise the fashion show by placing fliers in shopping bags and posting them around the store. You can also place an advertisement in a newspaper. Stock up on the models’ clothing and give it to attendees.

Fashion Plates

You can advertise the availability of a stylist on your website or in frequent mailings to customers. It would be best if you interviewed several stylists before choosing one who has a style that matches the clothing you sell. Also, you want to make sure they understand your colors, materials, and designs. Sign up customers for stylist services in advance to ensure you have bodies at the store. You may want to charge for stylist services but consider offering free appointments. Customers will likely spend more when they are getting a makeover.

Super Samples

A sample sale is a promotion that high-end boutiques offer to their customers. This event is by invitation only. For example, you can choose a time to promote the event after regular closing hours. Select the most frequent spenders if you keep track of your customers’ spending habits. Or, have the salespeople send out invitations in the weeks leading up to the sale. Place the latest clothes in the front and lower slow-sellers’ prices towards the back. Cover the windows, doors, and walls with opaque material to add intrigue to the store. This will prevent the early birds from catching a glimpse.


Ready Strip Outlet is a place where you will find international designer brand that brings your inner personality out. We have exclusive hand-picked range of products, garments that define your personality. Check out the latest fashion trends at our Outlet.

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