5 Biggest Home Inspection Mistakes

Home inspections are one of the best ways to ensure that your new home will be a good investment and safe to live in.
Many people do not fully understand the process of a home inspection in Northeast Colorado, or what to do to make it as effective as possible. Learn what the inspectors think are the top five mistakes that buyers make when they conduct a home inspection and how to avoid them.
The first mistake is not having new construction inspected.

Mistake No. 1: Failure to inspect new construction
Even experienced homebuyers can make this rookie error. They assume that a house is in good condition if it has met all the local codes and ordinances. Troth inspected a new home which had just passed its final municipal and local building inspections. When he went into the crawlspace beneath the home, he found that someone had taken about 3 feet from the main support beam of the house to make room for ductwork.
He says, “The house had already begun to sink in this area.”
Moral of the story: Do not assume that your contractor or builder did everything correctly just because you home has passed the code. Inspectors are your last line against serious defects that can literally ruin your financial future.
Mistake No. 2: Selecting an inspector for the incorrect reasons
You choose the inspector who will perform a complete physical inspection on one of your largest investments. Choose someone who you trust, is knowledgeable and thorough. Unfortunately, many buyers choose the cheapest company or one that is recommended by their Realtor.
This will help you determine which one you feel comfortable with.
Ask about the inspector’s credentials, affiliations, and licenses. Also, ask if they have insurance against errors and omissions.

Mistake No. 3: Not going along with the inspection
You may not get the full picture from the written report that the inspector provides. Flook warns that buyers who refuse to attend the inspection may over-emphasize minor issues or, worse, fail to realize just how serious some defects are.

Flook says, “I once did an inspection without the buyer present. He got upset about the first-floor plugs not being grounded. He completely overlooked that the water tank was emitting carbon monoxide.” You should go with the inspector and ask him questions. Also, listen to his professional opinion about the house.

Mistake No. 4: Not following up on the inspector’s recommendations 
Buyers sometimes don’t check on defects found during the inspection. You may not be aware of the cost involved in fixing a defect, just as the man didn’t realize that carbon monoxide from his water heater posed a serious problem.
Kuhn warns that if buyers wait until the closing to evaluate a system, they may find it more expensive than expected or have to pay a larger amount.
Kuhn advises that you get multiple estimates for repairs before you close, and to feel free to call your inspector about these estimates. She says that the inspector might be able share insight on what contractors are suggesting.

Mistake No. 5: Do you expect your home inspector will be psychic

Your home inspector cannot see into the future, no matter how skilled or experienced he is. Kuhn explains that home inspectors do not have crystal balls and cannot predict the exact date of a system’s failure. Sometimes, optimistic homebuyers believe a system has several years left just because there were no visible signs of malfunction during the inspection.
Your air conditioner is older than 10 years. A home inspector will tell you this. He can’t predict when the system will break down. You should then follow up on your questions with those who are more knowledgeable about the system.
Remember, you hired the home inspector. The home inspector is there to give an honest and straight opinion about the property.
Troth says, “The inspector’s income is not dependent on the closing of the house. It is one rare person in the purchasing process who does not depend on it.” They’re not paid to sell, but to inspect. They’re better positioned to be neutral.”

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