How to Prepare for a Home Inspection

There will be a time, if your home is currently on the market or about to go on sale, when a potential buyer will hire a professional to inspect your house. Inspecta-Homes is one of the Midwest’s most experienced home inspector companies. Here are some tips on how to prepare yourself for a Home Inspection in Minnesota or Western Wisconsin.

Check that all utilities, including water, gas, and electricity, are on if your property is vacant. You should also clean the area where the inspector can access the attic. This will allow the inspector to place a ladder to gain access. Remove all clothing and shelves from closets.

Inaccessibility can cause delays, and ultimately ruin a sale. Provide the keys to utility rooms, laundries, sheds and electrical panels.

An inspector will inspect your entire house, including appliances and utility access points. Included are items such as appliances like the dishwasher and refrigerator, as well utility access points to heat, cool, and electricity. Clear a three-foot space around these items and access points to make the inspector’s work easier. Remove all debris, boxes, and stored items.

In the same vein as the tip before, make sure that your water heater is operational, along with your stove and furnace. A home inspector won’t activate the pilot lights on such equipment for safety reasons.

It’s not a good idea to keep your pet in the house when you are having a home inspection. If you cannot take your pets with you, you should arrange for them to stay in a kennel until you return.

You and your family, as well as your pets, should also be away from the house. It is important for the buyer and inspector to be able speak openly and honestly without the presence of the home’s owner. It’s not uncommon for a buyer to lose interest in a home due to a seller who is overly nosy.

Prior to the inspection by the buyer, clean and organize both your interior and exterior. Although a clean home is not mentioned in the typical inspection report it leaves a lasting impression on both the buyer and the inspector.

As you clean your house, fix/replace any burned-out bulbs or loose doorknobs. Repairing major items, such as (i.e. We recommend that you hire a professional to repair your roof and plumbing. If this is not possible, be completely transparent and explain your issue to the Home Inspector in Eagan, MN.

Making the repair records available to the inspector or buyer is a great way to show that you are concerned about your home. It also means that the inspector will have less to ask about or include in his report.


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