Three Ways To Clean Grout Between Tiles

Even those who maintain a clean home will know that mopping floors or wiping the walls won’t be enough to keep tile and grout cleaning. To remove dirt and soap buildup, you will need to clean the grout between your tile. You can have this done by hiring a cleaning service with the extra ‘deep clean. You can also do it yourself using some household products and some elbow grease.

This post will share three ways to clean grout in between tiles so they look new again.

How To Clean Grout With Baking Soda & Vinegar

Step 1: Prepare the area

Clean the grout between the tiles before you clean them. Give the tiles a good mop if they are on your floor. If tiles are on walls, wipe them down using a damp cloth and a cleaning product such as an all-purpose kitchen cleaner or bathroom cleaner.

Tip: You can mop walls, too, if you have a large area to work on. This is not recommended if your floor is tiled. Make sure to do the walls before you start on the floor. This will allow you to clean up any sand and dirt.

Step 2: Make the cleaning paste

Combine 1 part water (e.g., 1/4 cup water with three parts baking soda (e.g., To make a paste, combine 1/4 cup of the mixture with three parts baking soda (e.g., This paste can be used with any grout color. However, it is not a good cleaning agent for some natural stones like limestone and marble.

Use your finger to apply the paste to grout lines. Although baking soda isn’t dangerous, rubber gloves are recommended to protect your skin from irritation and scratching when applying the paste to grout.

Step 3: Prepare the cleaning solutions

In a spray bottle, mix 1 part vinegar and 1 part water (50/50 solution). Spray the paste onto the grout using this solution. The paste should start bubbling immediately. This indicates that the cleaning process is complete.

Do not use vinegar on limestone or marble. They might require a pressure washer or gurney.

Step 4: Give it time to work its magic

The chemical reaction between vinegar and baking soda causes the bubbling. It will only last for a few moments. The chemical reaction has ended, and you can stop the bubbling.

Step 5: Use a brush to scrub the grout

Use a nylon bristled brush, such as a dishwashing or old toothbrush, to scrub the grout.

Tip 1: Rub along the grout lines so that the bristles spend more time on the grout than the tiles.

Tip 2: Make sure to clean the edges and corners of grout lines.

Step 6: Clear the mess

To remove the paste, simply use plain water to mop the floor. Clean grout from walls first, and then wipe off any drippings. You want to avoid spreading the mess by making sure that the mop is rinsed and the water is changed frequently.

How To Clean Grout Using Hydrogen Peroxide, Baking Soda & Dishwashing Soap

Step 1: Prepare the area

Prepare the area for deep cleaning by following the same procedure as before.

Step 2: Make the cleaning paste

Combine three parts baking soda and 1 part hydrogen peroxide. To make a paste, add one tablespoon of dishwashing detergent. This powerful paste can be used to clean grout in certain ways.

1. Baking soda acts as an abrasive mildly.

2 When hydrogen peroxide is combined with baking soda, it creates a chemical reaction that releases bleaching oxygenions.

3 Dishwashing liquid dissolves grease and dirt, making it easier to remove.

Step 3: Use a brush to apply the paste

Apply the paste to the grout with a nylon-bristled brush or gloves. Make sure that the paste is properly applied to all areas you wish to clean.

Step 4: Dream about how beautiful your home will look

It takes at least 15 minutes for the paste to start working its magic. As it works its magic, there may be some bubbling. It is important to allow the paste to dry before it can fully remove any grout stains.

Step 5: Final clean

Use warm water to clean up the paste. Follow the steps in Step 6. You may need to mop a large area with a moist cloth. You must ensure that there is no soap residue left behind. Otherwise, the soap can be slippery and may cause tiles to become stained if it’s left on for too long.

How To Clean Grout With Bleach

You can always resort to bleach if all else fails. Although it is very effective in cleaning grout, it can damage some tiles. This method is best used on white tiles such as those in your bathroom.

It’s a good idea for grout cleaners to test the bleach on a small area that is not in direct sunlight. This will allow you to check for colorfastness. You should also wear gloves, as the bleach can stain your clothes.

Step 1: Prepare the area

Prepare the area for deep cleaning by following the same procedure as before.

Step 2: Apply the Bleach

Spray or pour the bleach on the grout lines. Make sure you have enough to cover the grout. To avoid bleach contaminating your clothes, only do one section at a time. Give the bleach time to absorb before you get to work.

Step 3: Apply the Bleach to the Grout

Use a nylon-bristled toothbrush to apply the bleach to the grout. You can scrub the grout lines by moving back and forth. Be sure to clean the corners where dirt can accumulate.

Step 4: Apply more bleach where it is necessary

Apply more bleach to hard-to-clean spots or soak the brush in bleach. Then scrub the area again. More bleach equals more cleaning power.

Step 5: Rinse the floor

Use warm water to clean up the bleach. You must do this carefully, as any bleach that remains in your socks could be transferred to your carpets.


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